Welcome to the Union College Writing Center!
The Writing Center IS OPEN for the WINTER 2025 term Monday, January 6 to Friday, March 14.
HOURS OF OPERATION: Sunday through Thursday, 3-11pm, by appointment only.
Learn how to make an appointment here.
Once you've made an appointment, you should meet the student you signed up to work with (we call them writing mentors) in Room 226 or 227 on the second floor of Schaffer Library. Please just come in to Room 226 or 227 and let us know that you have an appointment.
If your mentor hasn't arrived yet, please be patient, as they might be working with another student or on their way to the Writing Center. If you have a problem connecting with your writing mentor, email writingprograms@union.edu.
You do not need to have anything written down to schedule an appointment (brainstorming, planning, talking over the assignment are all good!), but if you have started writing, bring everything that you have so far to your appointment with you.
If you have a draft, we suggest that you attach your draft before your appointment. You can do this by clicking on your appointment in WCOnline and using the "file attachment" function at the bottom of the appointment form. Or you can share your draft with your writing mentor by email or Google Docs.
But again, if you haven't started writing yet, don't worry about it. Make an appointment to discuss your project and we'll help you get started!
Please also bring to your appointment the assignment sheet for the writing project that you're working on, if you have one. Or just attach your assignment sheet by using the "file attachment" function in WCOnline, as described above.
NOTE: The Writing Center is closed when classes are not in session.
If you have questions, contact writingprograms@union.edu.